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Chocolate Banana Protein Bar

Holly from Half-Fit Chick Hi! I’m Holly from  I am so excited to be guest blogging today for Ryan and Kindra.  I think these two have the right idea…have fun and see as much of this world as possible!

Unfortunately, my traveling days have slowed down quite a bit.  Which is funny because my husband is a pilot!  Let’s just say, his traveling days continue but MY traveling days have slowed down!  When you start to have kids things start changing, and with each child you add to the group things begin to change even more!  The good thing is I wouldn’t change a thing about all of this. My kids are my biggest blessings!

My husband and I try to do as much traveling with our kids as possible. When we began our little family, we decided to continue on with our passion for traveling. When our oldest daughter was 18 months we went to Holland.  Working for the airlines had some perks… travel benefits!!! We also took several trips to California and Florida. Now that my husband is no longer working for the airlines our trips are not quite as frequent.

My next big trip with my husband is to Hawaii. I have to admit, I am so stinkin’ excited!!  It has been years since I have been on a trip with just my husband. Let’s just say this is long over-due! I can’t wait to sit on the beach and do NOHTING!!

I have already started to plan my menu for my trip.  I think the hardest part about traveling is dealing with all the unhealthy food.  Unfortunately, I have a sensitive stomach so if I eat a ton of junk then I usually feel awful!  I came across this recipe from  I think it’s a perfect filling solution to my little travel dilemma.  I like to take things that are easy and convenient.  What’s easier than a protein bar?  I made a batch of these yummy Chocolate Banana Protein Bars, and I packaged them up to see how they would fit into my bag…..perfect fit!  Fast, easy, yummy, and a great way to stay healthy while traveling!  Enjoy!

Chocolate Banana Protein Bar:

Half-fit Chick Chocolate Banana Protein Bar:


Chocolate Banana Protein Bar:
In a food processor, combine beans, binder, sweetener, soft fruit, extract, spice, and salt until smooth.  Add the oats and dry base ingredients and pulse just to combine.  Add stir-ins and pulse again just to combine.  If the consistency seems spreadable, you’re good.  If it’s too dry, add 1/4 cup of water; if it’s too runny, add an additional 1/4 cup of the dry base ingredient.

Grease 13×9 pan with baking spray or rub with 1 tablespoon oil, then spread mixture into pan.

Bake at 350 degrees for 15-18 minutes.

Note: You’ll have the most success if you use unsalted, unsweetened versions of the ingredients, and control the sweetness and saltiness through the sweetener and added salt.

Want to make your own version of this energy bar? Here’s a master recipe and list of ingredients that will make creating your perfect energy bar easy and fun:

The Ultimate Energy Bar Formula:

Recommended beans

Recommended binders

Recommended sweeteners

Recommended soft, sweet fruit

Recommended optional extracts

Recommended dry spices

*For stronger spices like nutmeg and cardamom, use just a ¼-½ teaspoon and combine with less intense spices like cinnamon.

Recommended dry base ingredient (a combination is usually best)

Recommended stir-ins

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